
You Belong to Me Page 1

This is a comic book I started working on, it died out quickly but here is Page 1 of about 4, the dialogue, etc is listed by panel. Sorry if it is hard to read, I hope you like it.

Panel 1

Caption: Daphne can sleep through almost anything. A tornado could tear apart the house around her and she wouldn’t as so much turn away from the debris.

—But the minute I get out of bed…

Panel 2

Daphne: Gabe what is going on?

Gabe: He got another one.

Daphne: Did Wilkes call?

Gabe: He’s about to.

Panel 3

(phone vibrating)

Panel 4

Gabe: Okay, Frank – give me the address one more time.
—1708 Chestnut, I’ll be there right away.

Panel 5

Gabe: I love you Daph.

Daphne: I love you too—be careful Gabriel Damus

Gabe: bread and butter

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